Join Us

Join the movement that’s dedicated to creating change, empowering leaders, and impacting the communities of St. Petersburg.

We accept new members in the spring of every year. When prospective members apply, they are invited to join a yearlong “Provisional Class” that will provide them with the tools and information they’ll need to play a crucial role in the Junior League of St. Petersburg’s community focus area of School Success, which includes health, nutrition, and literacy. We impact these areas through our community projects, financial support, and thousands of volunteer hours, in an effort to fulfill our mission of advancing women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.


The application process for the 2024-2025 Provisional Class has closed. Please reach out to to stay up-to-date regarding the application process for the 2025-2026 Provisional Class.

We’re empowering the next great civic leaders.

And we’re already making a powerful impact by leading change within St. Petersburg’s communities! To us, becoming a civic leader is all about understanding that local efforts have a global reach, and it all begins with creating local leadership opportunities that put women’s skills and passion to work right here in St. Petersburg. If you’re interested in developing civic leadership skills while collaborating on important efforts with a group of like-minded women, you’re in the right place!

The Junior League is a highly respected organization with an extraordinary legacy.

The Junior League of St. Petersburg is very proud of that historic reputation, but as society changes, we adapt and evolve. We strive to put our venerable values to work in modern ways; demonstrating our pride and perpetuating our legacy by serving as a powerful voice for action, justice and change throughout the city of St. Petersburg. Together, we are working to empower our members to increase school success rates through our focus on literacy, health and nutrition. St. Petersburg women will lead these important initiatives. Will you be one of them?

To learn more about our work and discover more opportunities to get involved, visit our Community page.